Kiwi Strawberry delivers syrupy, fruit cocktail aromas layered with dank, musky overtones. The smoke is smooth, balanced and features a gassy finish. Cannabis lovers will enjoy the blend of sweet and earthy flavors, and will be left de-stressed and with an uplifted mood. Kiwi Strawberry weighs in at nearly 30% total cannabinoids and is safe to use anytime of the day. Cross: Unknown Type: Hybrid
Kiwi Strawberry flower, 3.5g, or an eighth of an ounce, from the Coastal Sun brand offering a hybrid experience of the Kiwi Strawberry strain with 24% THC.
Weight (g): 3.5
Strains: Kiwi Strawberry
Cannabis Types: Hybrid
Product Types: Flower
THC Total (mg): 0.00
THC %: 24%
Cbd Total: 0.00
State: California